Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Here I am!!

I have recently been bitten by the crafty bug, and I figured a good way to let it all out is to craft and post what I've done! Even if no one ends up reading this, at least I've had an outlet. :)

My name is Elizabeth, and I am a wife, mother of 2 gorgeous boys (3 years and 8 1/2 months) and a teacher. I am currently on maternity leave, and let me tell you, even though I don't have report cards, this is the hardest job! My 3 year old skipped the terrible two's (yippee!) but moved easily into the trying 3's (boo!). My baby is a bit of a Mama's boy and is just starting to let me leave him alone for a bit...allowing me to get a bit of crafting in!

I enjoy scrapbooking (traditional and digital) and basically anything that I can make, to make my house a home! This is especially exciting lately because we are moving into a 'new' house at the end of June, and I am super excited! So I have been doing many little projects in preparation for my beautiful 'new' house!!

I hope you enjoy this blog, and maybe you'll get a little inspired yourself, like I have been inspired by so many others!!

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