Friday, July 9, 2010

Skeleton Key Art

If you've been around blogland even for a week, chances are you have happened upon something to do with skeleton keys. I know I have seen quite a few out there in the past 2 months only. I have always loved skeleton keys - ever since I was allowed to use my Grandmother's antique dresser as my own dresser when I was a child - it had a small skeleton key that I was able to lock one drawer and cabinet up with. Yippee! I loved it. As a side note, my grandmother always said I could have it, and now, with her moving to a nursing home, she (very sadly) is dividing her things amongst her daughters and grandchildren. But the dresser has my name on it, and I can't wait for it to have a place here. It's over 100 years old. I love it.

But I digress. Back to skeleton keys. I looked for some on Etsy, but shipping was way too much from the U.S., and no one in Canada seemed to have them, either. I looked on EBay - nothing. There are some salvage places in Ontario, but not too close to where I live. So, I decided to look in the jewellery section of Michael's, and found a couple of packages of skeleton key charms! Score!

I went home and got a 4x6 frame from Goodwill that I had previously spray painted black and slightly distressed. I took off the back and cut out some lovely vintage-inspired scrapbook paper that I already had. Armed with my hot glue gun, I glued the keys on the paper (in a pre-arranged fashion, of course!). In retrospect, I might have snipped off the charm thingamabobbers (you know those little circle parts - the name eludes me) but it's neither here nor there now.

I popped the paper and keys into the frame (still kept the glass on) and re-attached the back. I wanted it to be behind glass, and luckily the backing of the frame was secured with staples, so I just bent them more loosely when securing the frame. Does that make sense?

Anyway, voila! Now I have a cute little piece of art for somewhere in my home. It's waiting for that perfect spot.

Linking up to:


SYS Thurs



  1. I'm not sure I've ever seen an actual skeleton key - I didn't realize they were somewhat rare!

  2. Hi Elizabeth -- I hope you don't mind that I added my name to your Followers. I have been reading your blog and it is charming.
    You have such great ideas- all that and moving !
    You stopped at mine and I have to tell you it is hard to find at times. My feeds just are not working, so most people click on my name her on the comments, or I can be found in Google Reader if the mood is right.
    I had to take down my Followers temporarily until I can get hooked back up and working. I still can have visitors, though and would love to have you stop over for a visit and take my button. That would surely be an easy way to connect.
    I have enjoyed what you have done and looking forward to reading more and getting inspired, as they say.
    Have a good day and take your time unpacking. We have long winters ! My blog is - Memories of the Lake- and I hope you can find me.

  3. ha! I had the same hard time finding them and found the same package as you did at Michaels! They worked perfectly for my project too.
    Thanks for stopping by today and for posting the giveaway on your blog! I'll mark you down for more entries! Good luck to you!

    Nice to see a fellow canuck once in a

    Thanks again,


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